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First Dive Into Underwater Robotics?

Immerse yourself in learning with these MATE ROV Academy resources! Let us introduce you to a world of underwater science, technology, engineering and math, and the amazing careers that these skills will prepare you for in the MATE ROV Competition.



📽️ Video Resources

Why dive into MATE ROV? Explore these video features from our Vimeo site to discover why! 

  • Walking in Space to Diving the Marianas Trench with Dr. Kathy Sullivan | 🖥️ WATCH >

Dive deeper into these videos, recordings, and interactions from our friends at NOAA Ocean Exploration.

  • Deep-sea Dialogue videos on Underwater Robots and Ocean Technology 🖥️ WATCH >
  • Deep Dives into Ocean Exploration Technologies 🖥️ WATCH >
  • Why Ocean Exploration matters 🖥️ WATCH >
  • Nautilus Live Ship-to-Shore interactions - Sign-up for a 30 minute call with explorers on board E/V Nautilus. 🖥️ SCHEDULE >


🎙️ Podcasts

Enjoy these interviews with MATE ROV and industry leaders.

  • Learning Unboxed #60 - Solving Real World Problems with Underwater Robots: The MATE ROV Competition | The Past Foundation |👂LISTEN >
  • Learning Unboxed #47 - Giving Back to a Future Generation of Underwater Engineers with Marty Klein | The Past Foundation |👂LISTEN >
  • American Blue Economy Podcast |👂LISTEN >
  • Preparing Technicians for the Future of Work Podcast - Episode 15 "Working Remotely" | 👂LISTEN >


🎮 Simulators

Practice your navigation, piloting, and engineering design skills. 

  • Meet M8-R SIM: In the simulation, a remotely operated vehicle maneuvers through a South Pacific coral reef, hunting for the crown-of-thorns sea stars, a marine invertebrate covered with long, poisonous spikes. When the pilot finds a sea star, an injector extends from the vehicle's arm and zaps the creature. 💻 PLAY >
  • Meet rovAR: Get ready to inspire your students and ignite their passion for technology with "rovAR." This transformative tool is the perfect first touch point for anyone interested in ROVs, providing a seamless entry into this fascinating world. 💻 PLAY >


📄 Articles 

Dive into lessons learned and advice for new teams.

  • Tips, Tricks, & Hacks: Why didn't I think of that? - Whether you're a novice or an old-hand at building an ROV, there is - without fail - a moment at competition when you see something and think: "Why didn't we think of what?". 🔍 VIEW GUIDE >
  • Advice to Prospective Participants: Challenges, Experiences, & Things to Consider - MATE's ROV project inspire a student mindset of entrepreneurship and innovation as they transform their teams into "start-up companies" that compete to accomplish tasks simulated from the real world. Students develop a wide variety of technical and workplace skills, including creativity, adaptability, and communication, as they work together to design, build, and operate their ROVs. 🔍 VIEW GUIDE >


📚 Projects 

Now let's get started on building these projects! 

ROV Kits & Building Guides

  • Want a build-able kit to help get started? - The SeaMATE online store offers underwater robotics kits and accessories, including lessons and instructions to support students, teachers, makers, and innovators diving into STEM - and participating in the MATE ROV Competition.
  • Looking for more? Go directly to the SeaMATE store or check out the lessons and instructions for each kit below.
  • Not sure where to start? Let's compare kits.

Dive into the World of Subsea Technology!

  • Underwater Robotics: Science, Design, and Fabrication (Revised Edition) - Students, educators, and other aspiring inventors can dive into the world of subsea technology with this exciting resource. This book encourages bright, young minds to consider a career in the world of underwater robotics by providing all the information needed to design and build underwater vehicles.
  • Written by: Dr. Steven W. Moore, Harry Bohm, and Vickie Hensen.

ROV Course Curriculum

  • MATE along with more than 20 representatives from industry and education outlined an international ROV curriculum that would:
    • define the competencies for a year-long foundational curriculum that will prepare students for ROV technology;
    • define the competencies for a year-long ROV Technology certificate/degree program; and 
    • allow for international articulation of 2-year ROV technology degrees with 4-year Bachelor of Technology degree programs focusing on marine technology. 
The major product that results from this work is a set of occupational Knowledge and Skill guidelines (KSGs) for technical marine occupations. These guidelines below describe what workers need to know and be able to do in order to perform their jobs well and they are different for each occupation.


👷 Workforce 

MATE ROV Competition prepares students for these workforce needs and more.

Workforce Reports
Knowledge & Skills Guidelines
Oceaneering Safety Protocol - Long-time competition sponsor Oceaneering International sponsors Health, Safety, and Environmental (HSE) awards to recognize teams for exemplary safety practices. The company graciously shared its HSE Employee Handbook to help teams prepare. This handbook is distributed to all Oceaneering employees who are required to read and put into practice the information that it contains.